Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A New Begining

   In the past this blog has been about stories I am thinking of doing. As of today there is a new path I shall take it on, it shall now be about self promoting me and my current works and the day in and day out struggles a new author, who is a father and is unemployed, has to endure daily. Sure some of you who may read this may be saying 'boring' but, let me assure you, 24 hours in my shoes is anything but that.
   But for today I am going to start slow, i'm not going to 'bore' you with all those petty, mundane experiences a person such as myself has to go through from sun up to sun down. Instead, instead i'm just going to let out a large 'WHOOPIE'. "Whoopie?" you ask, why "whoopie?" Well, because quite frankly I can but more too the point, after 3.5 years of unemployment in the United States of Obama, I finally have recieved some good news. As of August 4th 2012 my first solo book will finally see print.
   So, all of you who read this please, spread the word, past it on your Facebook wall, your works water cooler and any where there is high visability and trafic. August 4th 2012, Knightwatch Press and Michael C. Dick presents
and as a final note to this small entry, anyone in the Northern Virginia area, on August 25th at Porter library in North Stafford Virginia, there will be a local authors book signing from 11-2, please join us. Later in the year, October 7th i believe, i'll be in sunny Buffalo, New York at the Comic Con doing book signings as well....SURE HOPE TO SEE YOU ALL THERE.